soliloquy of an entrepreneur

andres rodriguez
Digital Culturist
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2018


do not tap the glass,
the sign said
and so I did
I'm not obstinate
(my pharmacist
tells me)
I don't even
know what
that means
I'm an original
destined to bend
and break the
rules of the
regardless of
the people I hurt
the lives I destroy
the hope I quench
the businesses I
cause to implode
this is my design
this is my creation

I win, I always win
with no backup plan
in hand
and my regrets stowed
away for
another day
I challenge the market
I challenge convention
I cancel all engagements
my lectures
appointments with
my cardiologist
(things for which
I have no need)
innovation is not sufficient--
that's yesterday's
not the feast
of disruption
the world deserves
I catalogue the demise
of the unfortunate
who are in my way;
perched upon my own ethics,
I look down, far below
where the ordinary and boring
have no fuel to wage a war
I do not conspire
or cause riot
against the waves;
I make the waves
I - make - the - waves
not any god or gravity
with help from
the moon
it is I who disrupts
it is I who wins
andres rodriguez – 2017

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